Thursday, October 23, 2008

Goodbye Sunshine, Hello %@*&!

I love laying in bed when the fall sunshine is peeking through the windows. I'm sad to even think that it is on it's way out, and I am not looking forward to winter. It's cold outside, and it's my day off... At least I can use that as an excuse to just lay here. Truth is, I can barely cope just laying down these days. I'm nervous as my mystery symptoms that started in 2001 have returned. After 6 months of testing and experimenting, 5 different doctors, and a car acccident, there were never any answers but luckily everything just returned to normal. So, why is it back? I'm exhausted, I'm disoriented and I'm irritated. I just want to be well, and feel good. I don't want to go through this again...WTF!? I don't know what to do...


Andy's Candi said...

Oh my poor Pab! I keep you in my thoughts and I truly hope you have answers soon. Few people understand as well as I do your body taking over and doing things it shouldn't. You have to be ok!!

KStar said...

Tam, I feel for you!!!!!! As you know I've been through the same thing for years and still no answers for me either. I am still looking and I just suggest you keep looking for answers too. I google all the time and research that way, and when I get the energy, I try more doctors. There's got to be one someday who knows something! It can be so discouraging, but hang in there. Call me if you ever need to talk. I think of you often and you are in my prayers. Love you lots!